What to Expect if You are New to the AATC Conference

The AATC Conference is an intimate conference that encourages critical thought and dialogue and looks a bit different than many academic conferences. The organization has an emphasis on mentorship and welcomes new participation from K-12 educators, researchers, those working in higher education, graduate students, and more.

What Will I Experience as a Presenter?

Issues and Ideas and Paper Presentations are typically presented in a roundtable format such as in the room below. 

Sessions are typically attended by 5-20 people. As projectors are not usually available presenters typically provided a one page handout. Most presentations allocate a decent portion of the session for discussion questions or prompts. Although the handouts can look very different, here is one example. Alternative formats, arts integration, and interaction are welcome and encouraged.

What Will I Experience as an Attendee?

Large group sessions such as keynotes, award announcements, and meals are in a larger banquet room such as this. Time in these settings can be great opportunities to meet and connect with scholars and educators from around the conference.

There are also a number of social activity opportunities which typical include morning group yoga or runs and evening networking opportunities. All attendees are invited to participate in these activities and they can be great informal settings to meet new colleagues and friends. Additionally, there are opportunities to explore the surroundings of the host city.