Peer Review

Peer Review and Publication Process Information

Research manuscripts submitted to Curriculum and Teaching Dialogue undergo a rigorous blind, peer review process. Research manuscript submissions are due annually on December 1 and are sent out to at least three reviewers in mid-December. We ask that the reviews be returned to the editors by mid-January. After reading reviewer feedback and constructing editorial feedback, decisions are sent to authors in mid to late February.  

Accepted authors have approximately a month to make revisions based on reviews and suggestions from the editors. Manuscripts are then sent to a professional copy editor and back again to authors for further technical corrections. The second revisions must be returned to the editors by early May, so they can be sent to the publisher by June 1. The publisher returns proof sheets in mid-summer, and those are distributed to authors for a final review to make corrections to typographical errors. The journal is then published and distributed at the annual AATC conference in early October.  

Curriculum and Teaching Dialogue is always looking for faculty and advanced doctoral students to assist with the peer review process. Click the link below to sign up to serve as a peer review author. If you have signed up to serve as a reviewer in 2017 or after, you do not need to sign up again, as you are in our database. Thanks again for helping CTD to be a robust academic journal.

Curriculum and Teaching Dialogue Manuscript Reviewer Expertise Form