Each year our organization recognizes excellence in scholarship by submitting nominations for the Hunkins Distinguished Article Award. All members of AATC are encouraged to nominate articles from the current volume of Curriculum and Teaching Dialogue based on the following criteria:
- Contribution to the field of curriculum or teaching
- Promotion of dialogue
- Implications for improving educational practice
- Cogency
We will give up to two awards, one in teaching and one in curriculum. The awardees will be recognized at the AATC annual conference.
Nominations are due by March 20 to CTD‘s Associate Editor Crystal Howell chowell@randolphcollege.edu.
Thank you in advance for your support of AATC and Curriculum and Teaching Dialogue.
Award Recipients
2021 |
Toni Bailey. “Othered Forms of Knowledge: Combining Theories of Aristotle and Bourdieu to Explore Intellectual Capital in the Curriculum” Ganiva Reyes. “Why Are You So Mean Ms.?!”: When Gendered Classroom Dynamics Interfere With Teacher-Student Relationships”
Jennifer Broome. The Dialogic Dilemma: Pacing Guides as Objectives of Analysis. |
Mary Adu-Gyamfi and Tony Castro. “Crossing Cultural Borders and Expectations of Schooling: Learning from Immigrant Families.” Donna Goodwin. Beyond Answers in Watertight Containers: CLD Strategies in Art Education”
Crystal D. Howell. “A Rose by Any Other Name”: The Significance of Naming in Face-to-Face, Online, and Hybrid Teaching. |
2020 | Steven Camicia & Juanjuan Zhu. LGBTQ Inclusion and Exclusion in State Social Studies Standards: Implications for Critical Democratic Education. | Momina Khan. When Does Free Speech Become Offensive Speech? Teaching Controversial Issues in the Classrooms. |
2019 | Aaron Zimmerman. Helping Early-Career Teachers to See the Aesthetic Dimension of Mathematics Within Standards-Based Curricula. | Amy Masko. “Keep it Real & Love ‘Em Up”: Student-Teacher Relationships in an Urban Middle School. |
2018 | Kristina Valtierra & Paul Michalec. Deep Curriculum: Guiding the Inner Lives of Early Career Teachers. | Jerry Rosiek, Alison Schmitke, & Julie Heffernan. Queering Teacher Education Curriculum: A Case Study of Lessons Learned in the Transformation of a Teacher Education Program. |
2017 | Jason Immekus, Juan González, & Cathy Yun. License to Let Go in Transitional Kindergarten Programs: Supports and Barriers of Play-Based Strategies. | Kristina Valtierra. Survival to Thrive: An Urban Teacher’s Promising Career Story. |
2016 | Paul Parkison. Catharsis in Education: Rationalizing and Reconciling. | Elizabeth Dorman. Building Teachers’ Social-Emotional Competence Through Mindfulness Practices. |
2014 | Elliot Eisner & Susan Freeman. Notes on Composing and Composition. | Houman Harouni. The Risking of Observations in the Classroom: Teacher as Cultural Critic. |
2013 | Derek Gottlieb. Judgment, Deliberation, Evaluation: Rediscovering Joseph Schwab’s Practical Arts. | Amy L. Masko & Lawrence Bosiwah. Teacher Accountability & Student Responsibility: A Cross-Cultural Comparison of American and Ghanaian Schooling Practices, Policies, and a Reflection on NCLB. |
2012 | David Callejo Perez. What I Learned on the Road to Mississauga: Democracy and Curriculum. | Jacob W. Neumann & Bryan Meadows. Problematizing Notions of Decontextualized “Best Practice.” |
2011 | Robert Boostrom. Why I Am Not Wearing a Tie: Some Thoughts about Experience and Judgment. | Candace Schlein. Resonating Effects of Cross-Cultural Teaching. |